A division of the Central intelligence Agency formed to monitor global warming and the changes it means for national security has been disbanded.
The Center on Climate Change and national Security, which was created three years ago, was ciriticized by Republicans who charged it diverted the agency's attention from terrorism and other pressing matters, reports Business Insider.
"The CIA for several years has studied the national security implications of climate change," CIA spokesperson Todd Ebitz told Greenwire.com, which broke the story.
"This work is now performed by a dedicated team in an office that looks at a variety of economic and energy security issues affecting the United States." The Center was strongly supported by former CIA director, Leon Panetta, who is now Secretary of Defense.
division of the Central Intelligence Agency formed to monitor global
warming and the changes it means for national security has been
The Center on Climate Change and National Security, which was created
three years ago, was criticized by Republicans who charged it diverted
the agency’s attention from terrorism and other pressing matters,
Business Insider.
"The CIA for several years has studied the national security
implications of climate change," CIA spokesman Todd Ebitz told
Greenwire.com, which broke the story.
“This work is now performed by a dedicated team in an office that looks
at a variety of economic and energy security issues affecting the United
The center was strongly supported by former CIA director Leon Panetta, who is now Secretary of Defense.
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division of the Central Intelligence Agency formed to monitor global
warming and the changes it means for national security has been
The Center on Climate Change and National Security, which was created
three years ago, was criticized by Republicans who charged it diverted
the agency’s attention from terrorism and other pressing matters,
Business Insider.
"The CIA for several years has studied the national security
implications of climate change," CIA spokesman Todd Ebitz told
Greenwire.com, which broke the story.
“This work is now performed by a dedicated team in an office that looks
at a variety of economic and energy security issues affecting the United
The center was strongly supported by former CIA director Leon Panetta, who is now Secretary of Defense.
The CIA did not conduct its own scientific studies on climate change,
instead relying on other government agencies and academic researchers.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com
division of the Central Intelligence Agency formed to monitor global
warming and the changes it means for national security has been
The Center on Climate Change and National Security, which was created
three years ago, was criticized by Republicans who charged it diverted
the agency’s attention from terrorism and other pressing matters,
Business Insider.
"The CIA for several years has studied the national security
implications of climate change," CIA spokesman Todd Ebitz told
Greenwire.com, which broke the story.
“This work is now performed by a dedicated team in an office that looks
at a variety of economic and energy security issues affecting the United
The center was strongly supported by former CIA director Leon Panetta, who is now Secretary of Defense.
The CIA did not conduct its own scientific studies on climate change,
instead relying on other government agencies and academic researchers.
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