Thursday, August 30, 2012

Delaware on the Dole

The University of Delaware, in conjunction with the National Renewable Energy Lab, is seeking a grant from a $180 million fund established by the U. S. Department of Energy for a wind turbine research project to be built off the coast of Delaware. The effort has the full support of Delaware’s congressional delegation, the Markell Administration, and the tacit agreement of Delmarva Power to buy the electrical power output from the project, albeit it must be “competitively” priced.

The purpose of the grant is to improve technology whereby wind turbines can produce electrical power capable of competing in the market place without government subsidies, thereby stimulating economic development and jobs in the United States. Chasing federal dollars, 40% of which are borrowed, to attempt to reinvent the wheel is audacious if not immoral. 

Wind turbines are very simple devices; consisting of a prefabricated tower, a three bladed propeller attached to a gear box driving an electric generator. The problem with the current generation of mega wind turbines is that this very simple system is subjected to very large forces of variable torque due to the heavy generator load and changes in wind speed and direction.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your advice on wind turbines who it produce electrical power capable,who it is borrowed & what are the problems.
