Friday, August 24, 2012

DC Circuit Tosses Out EPA’s Pollution Rule

Amidst Obama’s inexorable war on American energy, consumers, jobs, and prosperity, his EPA is in the process of promulgating 4 new pollution rules that will bury the coal industry and “necessarily” raise the price of electricity on American households.  They are the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule, the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards for Utilities (MACT), the Cooling Water Intake Structures regulation, and the Disposal of Coal Combustion residuals.  The former two have already been finalized while the latter two are close behind.  Today, the D.C. Circuit Court struck downthe EPA’s authority to implement the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule.

In August 2011, Obama’s EPA imposed a cap and trade style program to expand existing limitations on sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from coal-fired power plants in 28 “upwind” states.  They claimed that they had unlimited authority pursuant to the Clean Air Act to cap emissions that supposedly travel across state lines.  The EPA admitted that the rule would cost $2.7 billion from the private sector and force many cola-fired power plants to shut down.  Priorities USA might have even run an ad against Obama claiming that his superfluous regulations cause workers to lose their health insurance and die.


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